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I bring a takeaway coffee, they tell me all their stories, I document it.
Got a problem? Get a coconut.
Introducing my exclusive new merch.
The land of mer-men, coconuts, and soft, glowing skin.
#letsbefrank, you’re already a babe, so here’s how to be a mer-babe.
I’m in your hot little hands. Now what?
That gym mat? Dirty. Your makeup? It needs to go.
Because today’s a new day, babe.
It’s scrub versus scrub, and it’s about to get very messy.
You’ll find both at the beach.
#letsbefrank, there are some things I don’t like on you: clothes and parabens.
I’m always hearing babes complain about their lumps and bumps. And #letsbefrank I’m sick of it. So I’ve pulled together 7 reasons why your lady lumps are wonderful.