Unless you’ve followed my guide to surviving winter, you and your skin may need a little bit of tough love. And that’s where I step in.
Say ‘goodbye’ to layers.
Layers of everything. That’s clothes, skin, hair (or not), even last night’s make-up. You see, your winter woolies can become a breeding ground on your skin. Clothing traps in dead skin and bacteria and if you haven’t scrubbed regularly, your skin may look dull and irritable.
So to get clean, you’ve got to get dirty. This is going to be a tough job so I vote for my Original Coffee Scrub. Scoop up several handfuls and rub all over your body in circular motions. My special blend of Robusta coffee beans and sea salt scrubs away dry, flaky skin to leave you feeling soft and supple.
Get rid of unwanted fuzz.
Some babes like hair, some babes don’t. But if you do want to get rid of that unwanted fuzz, scrub before and after you shave or wax. Scrubbing before means you’ll have a smooth surface to remove hair and it won’t hurt as much. Scrubbing one day after keeps the pores clean and can prevent those nasty ingrown hairs. My Coconut Coffee Scrub is great for washing away those little nasties that can cause ingrown hairs. It also provides moisture without blocking pores – so it’s harder for them to creep up on you again.
Fake it ‘til you make it.
Fake is not a word I use that much, except when it comes to fur coats – and tan. So when summer arrives I’m all about helping my babes find an easy and safe way to tan. Because #letsbefrank no babe wants to damage their skin.
Scrub beforehand to give yourself an even base to work with and to make your tan last longer. Once you’ve finished massaging your favourite tan over your bod, use my Original Face Scrub to remove any excess cream from your hands so you don’t look like an oompa loompa. After a few tanned days, get ahead of streaks and fading with another scrub to remove those last patchy bits.
Smooth things over.
You know those odd days between seasons: it’s hot, then cold then all of a sudden a flash flood will come through. Call it global warming or a very angry Mother Nature, but one thing’s for sure all this change can cause havoc on your skin. Shield your skin from the elements with a great moisturiser. My Body Balm is great for this as it contains beeswax (ethically sourced for my animal-loving babes) which protects your skin from harsh weather. It’s also packed with coconut oil to give your skin the hydration it needs. If you’re a babe who prefers a creamier moisturiser over an oil-based one, try my Body Cream. It’s packed with shea and cacao butters to smooth and soften skin.
Tame your mane.
While I can get all up in your face and your hair, I’m not really made for those locks. So I have found something that’s just as good.
Create your own natural hair mask at home with 1 avocado and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mash the avocado into a puree and stir in the honey. Massage the mixture into your roots and ends. Leave for 15-20 minutes to allow your hair to absorb it then rinse. Avocado has healthy fats and natural oils to add shine and prevent hair loss.
In between washes, give your dry ends some love with a bit of my Body Balm. Massage into the ends to give those frayed locks a boost of hydration.
Show some love on the inside, too.
My babes are a wholesome bunch so you want to take care of your bod in the inside too. Here are some tips I’ve rounded up from some of the best healthy living experts:
Eat whole, unprocessed foods. So if your babe’n nan didn’t eat it. You shouldn’t either.
Cut down on sugar. Check the back of labels. It sneaks in when you least expect it – like in fruit juice.
Make water your go-to. With hydration comes plumped up pores and that healthy glow that every babe wants.
Keep a food journal. #letsbefrank some of us can’t remember what we did an hour ago, let alone yesterday. A food journal is a ‘frank’ way of evaluating what’s been going into your bod. If you had a doughnut yesterday, maybe you need to go doughnut-free for a few days. It’s all about moderation, babe.
Get moving. Exercise for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Get outside babe and smell the fresh air. Start off slowly, try a light jog or some skipping and build up your endurance from there. You can then move into interval sprints, stair sprints or workouts by the beach. These short bursts of speed (aka interval / high intensity training) is what gives you great results. Mix up your routine with body work like barre, pilates or yoga. You need this balance to strengthen your core and lengthen your muscles. It’ll boost your metabolism and release all those good chemicals in your bod (just like our times in the tub.)
Now start dreaming.
Summer’s about: beach babes, travel babes, babes on picnics, babes on scooters, babes eating watermelon and babes hanging with other babes. So I better get involved, too.
You pick the place, I’ll find the bathroom.
xx frank