Hey, babe. Did you mean to end up in Canada? I can help you find the store you need.
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Some frank advice.
We chatted about getting sweaty, snorkelling and (of course) scrubbing.
I call it office inspo.
#letsbefrank, no one likes a high maintenance babe, be it a guy or a girl.
Quick tips for all my lady bosses.
Let's dress you up (or down).
We chatted about working out, travelling and general dude stuff.
Sexy mama, lingerie fiend & new face of my peppermint scrub.
Tough love - I like to call it.
I chatted to this bikini babe about self confidence, her beauty routine and love of chocolate.
I really like water. You babes’ all know that. But deep water, I find a bit daunting. So I enlisted mega babe, Brinkley Davies to teach me a thing or two and snap me out of the fear.
She helped Shakira get her hips, and #letsbefrank, they don’t lie.