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I just don’t know how you contort your bodies into such amazing formations. It’s art, babe. Really.
We spoke all things vegan, inked a few tattoos and all whilst wearing a bikini.
Like baked goods, espresso martinis and surprises.
Scrub, stretch, salute the sun.
If things get really dire, fake the flu. I’ll be waiting for you in the shower.
Feel free to use hashtags like #thefrankeffect #letsbefrank
Picture this: your four best babes, my pink jet and $2500 cash to spend at MECCA. A dream? Yes. Reality? Possibly. Here’s how.
#letsbefrank: the opposite sex can be tough. One piece of advice for them? Be better listeners and stop thinking we are so sensitive.
Sleep is so crucial to health.
That goes for your skin, your room and the boys in your bed.
A caffeine fix is the first thing on my agenda. In the truckloads.
One that doesn’t require a measuring tape or a stopwatch.